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Welcome to 99 Problems

So who is this Leslie, and why does she have 99 Problems?  ('Cause that's a lotta damn problems.)


Hi! I'm Leslie Quigless, a writer based in Atlanta, GA (or ATL, as we ATLiens affectionately call it.) I'm originally from Raleigh, North Carolina, and started writing my first novel in fifth grade. Fifth grade Leslie would be pleased to know she grows up to become a writer! â€‹


You could be a million other places right now, and so I'm happy to have you here.


If you'll click here, you'll find alllll the 99 Problems goodies! 


In the meantime, here's a bit about the story.














99 Problems--thanks, Jay-Z, for the title inspiration!--is an upmarket contemporary novel featuring a truly hilarious cast of flawed and beautiful and diverse black people. (And curse words. Lots and lots of curse words.)


Olivia, or Liv, is a truly unique protagonist: imagine Issa from Insecure as the millennial lawyer “oops” baby of a lifelong felon and a Black Buckhead Betty. Thusly, she grew up witnessing drug deals, lying for her father to various women, and occasionally visiting him in prison...and she also grew up attending the finest private schools, winning debate champions, and living in Buckhead, Atlanta’s wealthiest neighborhood. And Liv has half-siblings on both sides who would get along, except they can't. 

The story is sparkly, hilarious, and heartfelt, with plenty of snappy dialogue and pop culture references. There's a touch of romance, and a lot of family, and finally, the story has some legal thriller tendencies, although Liv is side-eyeing me now—she’s more of the “Let me speak with your manager” persuasion; but she’s figuring it out. 

I don’t necessarily believe in happily ever after's--or or rather, I think that the most interesting stuff happens after that part. I also believe that almost all great stories necessarily are great love stories. 99 Problems, I daresay, is a great story--and it's fun!


I experienced so much joy writing this novel, and I hope you experience the same as you read. It's available now as an ebook, in paperback, and as an audiobook--I narrated it myself and killed it, if I do say so myself!--and I'd love for you to check out the story! 
























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